Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Oh well!

Another birthday for my wife has come and gone and once again it's about the only thing in my life I get stressed about.
In my upbringing we celebrated alittle, but didn't go overboard. We also stopped once we were in adulthood, though my mother still gets us something.
With the in-laws it is another story!
It turns out to be a birthday week and they go crazy with dinners and presents. It still happpens today!
My wife tells me not to buy too much, as we were on vacation last month and spent alot of money. I have no problem with that.
She then says that she would like a dozen pink roses since I never buy them for her. She also mentions a few other stuff, but nothing too major.
On the day of her birthday I go to the store to buy roses.(big suprise, NOT!) The roses are expensive and total crap. I'm not wasting money on dying roses.
I have a idea, I'll buy carnations. They're pink as well. I bring them home and give them to her and the first thing after thank you was "they're not roses."
How the hell can I win?

Last year was a milestone birthday for her. She tells me she doesn't want a party or a suprise one. Ok no problem!
Three weeks before she ask me what am I doing for her birthday. I tell her my ideas and she ask "aren't you having a party for me, I would like one." I said no, and the panic set in.
Now I'm planning a suprise party with less than three weeks until the big day.
I phone and e-mail all our friends and set something up. Because of the timing and a few other things I have to tell her about her party. She did tell me no suprise parties about 10 times.(no joke)
After telling her she was disappointed that I wasn't having a suprise party.
Again, what the hell am I supposed to do?

When the aftermath of her birthday is done, I usually tell her that I can't and won't read minds, we've been together too long for those sort of games.


A Woman From Illinois said...

We do not celebrate birthdays, other than the little ones and maybe a card for the adults.

gemmak said...

We women can be strange creatures, I can see where your wife is coming from but I can also underzstand the frustration of you guys with this stuff! :o)