Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I was reading Steffers blog(I should put blog addresses up on my blog, eventually I will) about cooking and I thought I would give some thoughts regarding to it.
I can cook and quite well!
I'm better than my wife, everyone in my family and also my wife's family. Actually I'm better than most of my friends as well!
Why? I like to do it.
When I was 15 or so, my parents used t0 go away without us kids quite abit. My mother would make extra dinners and freeze them, like a homemade tv dinner.(they weren't too bad)
My problem was that we always had a half side of pork and beef in the freezer and it potentially tasted better. We had a family business which was food processing, heavy on the veggies.
One time when my parents went away, I got my Mom to show me how to cook some chops and veggies.
I watched my Dad bbq.
I then started to do this myself.
All trial and error.(that line for you Steffers)
After a while, friends wanted to come over early for the no parent parties as I would cook something up.
A hunting buddy then started to bring over venison and bear roasts and I would cook them.
Camping would become a feast as well as an outdoor party.
I worked in my family's business for 6 years after high school, when financial problems took these businesses down. I decided to go to college.
I took a food management course for two years.
Lots of business courses and lots of chef classes.
I was lousy at baking, but pretty decent at everything else. I was lucky that my cooking partner Jackie was an excellent baker and we were a good team.
Actually I don't mind to this day that I'm an average baker, I would be really fat otherwise.
I lasted a few years in the food business after college, but got out, the hours really sucked, as did the pay.
I now cook almost all meals when home.
On Sundays I cook two dinners so my wife doesn't have to cook anything the next couple days.
My problem now is time.
Mind you I did skip dinner tonight, nothing made.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Steph, just watch "Supersize me" it will cure you!