Friday, November 04, 2005

Day off

I took today off with the kid today.
He had to go to the doctor's and I had to get blood work done, so I booked the day off to hang as well.
I needed a day of rest as the weekend looks anything but...
First of all my mil's hubby's mother died this week, she was almost 90. Cancer took her and she died peacefully with 3 of her daughters at her side, at home. Her funeral is tomorrow in Fenelon Falls which is 1 hour and 20 minutes away from here.
Then we go to a party in the evening back here.
Sunday we are going to the travel show, I think by the Toronto airport.
Somewhere in there I want to put my son's room back together. My wife wants to shampoo the carpet first and mil owns one but they are not there for us to get it.

Anyways, I want to talk about something different.
This party we are going to is called a jack and jill. Some call it a buck and doe, stag and stagette, etc.....
Anyways this person getting married is a friend of my sil, age about 34, I think. This is her third kick at the married can.
My question, why?
One about the party and two about the marriage.
After two times I personally think that I would never do it again. For some marriage doesn't work, no matter what.
I like this lady, enough to go to her party, but why more celebration?
I may be cynical, but do we go to her 4th jack and jill 6 years down the line.
This lady is really good looking, always has been. From my sil I've known her for amost 20 years, when she was a teenager.
Anyone of my male friends who has seen her can't believe how hot she is. It seems that any of her ex'es always seems to be not good looking being beside her.
Now she is in her mid thirties and new hubby to be is younger then her. He doesn't even look like he is in mid twenties, actually like just out of high school. For the first time I ever seen her with guys, she actually looks old to me, because of him.
Getting back to marriage, I've known so many bitter peopls from it, I'm still surprised some are still getting hitched.
I still wish them happy lives, but.......


Michelle said...

My goodness, you certainly do have a busy weekend of it. I don't envy you one bit.
I have to agree, why bother if the first 2 don't succeed? I also think the "fanfare" can be done away with. If it were me i'd be having a quiet celebration with a few close friends. LOL, maybe i'm showing my age!

A Woman From Illinois said...

I am in year 23 of my second(his first) marriage. I would not do it again and if I was smart I would have never done it the second time. As far as parties, some use any excuse to party. I think she should pass on the party.

Cathy said...

so how was the jack and jill? God I hate hate those things and would really resent going to one for someone on the third kick at it. So is it like a Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher type of thing?