Saturday, April 23, 2005

Too Long!

That last blog took me over a week to write. Interuptions and forgetfullness was the reason.
I forgot that I saved it as a draft, I thought I published it!

It's been one of those weeks, with work always taking up my time and my son's 11th birthday on Wednesday.
He had his cousins over then for dinner and today his buddies come over at 130.

Again, this took forever to write, as it is now Tuesday.

Well, I caught some sort of bug and now I'm working through it. I feel like crap! I didn't even go to hockey this evening, so according to my wife I must be sick.

Yesterday at work was my day from hell that I haven't had in a while and we also found out that we owe a whole bunch for income tax.(we can add that on to the list of excuses) That probably means that we won't go to far for a summer vacation, again adding to the list of excuses.

My son's birthday party went well and he was pleased. They went to a movie and I think that will be the last time he does that for his birthday. I was talking to a colleague at work and he took his kid to paint ball. I think we will go back to lazer wars or something like that, 11 year olds need some physical action.

Well I off to the couch for some R and R.

1 comment:

A Woman From Illinois said...

Tell you son Happy Birthday!!!!
from AWFI