Thursday, August 25, 2005

Big Storm

Sorry about not blogging but our computer got fried in a storm last Friday. Right now I'm at the library using the computers here before I go home, you get a hour free.
Around 3pm last Friday in Southern Ontario, storms starting with really heavy rain and lightning.
Tornadoes were spotted about 75 kilometres northwest of here.
Floods were all around the city of Toronto.
Along with our computer, the phones were shot and our fax is history.
I didn't think I would miss the phone, but I did. Just not having the convience of it was enough for me.
Of course I miss the computer, but not the fax.(it's my wife's, for her work)
So we have about 500 dollars damage total. Our deductible is that amount.
Our computer is leased so Dell owns it and that's free. We just have to wait and I suppose that will be another week.
We have to get 5 phone jacks fixed, we have one working.
The fax will be replaced in a month or so. Our fax is 16 years old, so my wife doesn't mind getting a new one, they work so much better now and are smaller.

Other than that there is nothing really going on in my life that is exciting.
Oh yea, I scored 3 goals in hockey the other night, which is the first time that has happen in years.

We were at our friends last Saturday for a bbq. At the end of the evening, this couple got into a huge fight in front of us. Pretty wild for us, we don't argue that good ourselves. Anyways alittle awkward and we left shortly there after.

Hopefully I can do a blog from home soon.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Least your safe and well :)