Monday, August 08, 2005

Sucky jobs

Reading Steph's posts about her crappy job got me thinking about my negative job situations. Here are a few!
I was an assistant manager at a fast food chain in the late 80s. I was transfered to this store where the general manager had a reputation of being a hot head, among other things.
The first thing he says to me is that he makes the deposits because he doesn't trust the bank. Ok, I then verified every deposit I ever made under his command.
One day he freaked out on the floor and grabbed me by the arm and screamed at me. Ok, time to nip this in the bud, fast.
I suggest to him quietly that we talk in the office downstairs. He disagreed! We were down there in about 2 minutes after I said to him to get his ass downstairs.
When we were there, I grab him by the shirt and said if he ever touched me again, it would be the last act as manager he would ever do.
I love being a rather large man.
For the remainder 2 months we spent together, he was rather polite and understanding.
I ended up getting him fired for stealing money from my verified deposits.
A few years later when I became a truck driver he was a manager on my route. He changed his name, but I still called him by his old one. I basically made him squirm everytime I saw him for the next 6 months or so.
Life ws grand!
My next job was managing cafeterias for this corporation. I had a iron clad contact about raises and permanent locations after 3 months.
My district manager was gutless, so she never stood up for me when I addressed the big boss about my contract.
One day I'm in this huge corporate account of there's and they are giving a tour for this guy I knew. I went to college with him, his name was Darrel.
After this tour was done I went over to speak to him. He was interviewed for my job. After I informed him that was the job I was currently doing, he laughed and said he didn't think he would like working there.
My plan was to walk around with a resignation in my pocket and wait for the right moment.
A couple of days later I come in to work and there is a message that the big boss would be there in the afternoon, after lunch of course.
She came in and I gave her the resignation and told her to F' off, in front of clients and employees.
We then met a few minutes after that in the cafeteria and I yelled at her for several minutes, to embarrass her.
It worked! Her face was red.
Basically I made too much money and they didn't want to pay.
In trucking there are all kinds of cockroaches, too many to mention.
When I quit the last job I had before the one I have now, they stiffed me out of severance, vacation and regular pay. They actually said I owe them pay, as they over paid me for a period of time.
I took them to the labour board and it took about a year before I got my money.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh boy, i can so relate to your crappy jobs! I have had some real doozies in my time, infact i may even write a book on them!