Saturday, August 06, 2005

Saturday afternoon part 21

I realized that I seem to blog on Saturday afternnon alot, so that's why it's part 21.(it's just a number)
I was going to blog last evening since the wife and kid were out with other kids and another girlfriend.
I was going home from work yesterday when I saw my friend's work van sitting at a coffee shop. I pulled in and had a coffee with him, which was nice, after all we are all family guys and there never seems to be enough time.
I've known this guy since I was in grade 9, we sat beside each other in a couple classes. He got into some trouble with the law then and most people bailed on him.
I always stuck by him and would to this day.
He doesn't get into trouble anymore.
He had this long time girlfriend over 20 years ago and I went out with her best friend for over a year.
Since then he has had a couple of wives and mine has been friends with both. Actually his ex lives about 20 doors down from here with her new hubby.
Anyhow we chatted for an hour and then I went home.
I was washing up when another friend called and asked if I wanted to golf a quick 9.(our wives and kids were out together)
20 minutes later I'm on a golf course.
Not a bad game either.
Went back to his place and had a beer with our wives and the screaming kids were at another part of their house.
When we got home I watched alittle tv and went to bed at midnight.
I woke up finally at 10 am, which is great for me.
Right now I feel great, except for my right pinkie finger.

Yesterday at work, I dropped a 80 pound drum against my finger. I cursed and then punched the side of the trailer.
My finger turned purple and swelled up to twice the size. It looks cool actually! It's just alittle sore now, but difficult to type.(easy to golf)
My week at work was better than this other driver.
He was fined by the police for having a insecure load, 390 dollars. Not only that, he loses his quarterly safety bonus, so we're talking 740 dollars. And he has to take at least a day off to fight it in court, so when it is all said and done, it will easily be over a 1000 dollars.
All this for a pump truck that wouldn't have moved or caused any damage anyhow.
We were teasing him at work when we found out, and then he admitted he called the lady cop "sir" when she approached. He didn't look first.

It seems that most new friends that I make, either on-line or in person, are women. I wonder why that is?
Anyways most of my blog friends are women or non Canadians.
I'll explain something that is very male oriented with a huge Canadian slant, hockey.
NHL brand to be specific.
My team is the Toronto Maple Leafs. For years if they wanted a player, they basically bought him. Of course this was at the expense of poorer teams and it pissed off alot of fans of other teams.
Even though they were a good team for the last 15 years they never won the big prize, The Stanley Cup.(they haven't won it since 1967)
The Leafs have the largest following of all hockey teams. They make near the top in merchandising, tv revenue and gate receipts. They are filthy rich! Other teams are not.
The NHL had a labour dispute with the players for lower salaries and they just settled. They now have a team salary cap and revenue sharing between teams.
In other words, the Leafs have to cut their player salaries and give other teams revenue money. Lose, lose situation you say. Not! They will make more money than ever.
But now they will have a lousy team for a couple of years. They can't sign or buy players now and are screwed.
They will get better eventually, but for a couple of years the lessor lights will have their time in the sun.
So this winter I'll try and not bitch too much that my team will suck. I'll be patient!


Michelle said...

So i guess this is a warning for future posts ehhh!

riskybiz said...

Part 22 to follow!