Friday, December 16, 2005

A few things about me!

A few things that maybe you didn't know.

1: I'm a terrible typer
2: I'm 6'1" and weigh 220lbs
3: I have all my own original hair
4: most of it brown
5: I like to be cold
6: though I like southern vacations
7: wanted more than 1 child
8: but I think my kid is the best
9: I'm the youngest in my family
10: I think my parents like me more than the others
11: I know they trust me more
12: they made me executor of their will when I turned 18
13: afraid of drinking too much, might lead to a drinking problem
14: did every drug around by the time I was 23
15: quit cold turkey without 1 single problem
16: I like to cook and I'm good at it
17: I like to eat and I'm good at it
18: I'd like to read more but I can't seem to find the time
19: I'd like to exercise more
20: always find an excuse not to exercise
21: used to think I should be smarter, sometimes still feel that way
22: usually don't care though!
23: tequilla is my favourite alcoholic drink, straight up and on ice
24: I'm having one right now
25: I drank the same brand of beer for almost my whole beer life
26: I drink premium and brew pub beers now
27: I don't drink whiskeys
28: they make me go weird
29: I know too much about alcohol
30: I know little about computer
31: my 11 year old shows me
32: I worked part time and stayed home with my son until age 5
33: wouldn't trade one minute of that time with him
34: I'm not vain
35: though I consider myself good looking(thanks Mom)
36: I like my job
37: I would like to do something else one day
38: Not a clue of what to do though
39: only ever dated one non brunette in my life
40: haven't been on a date in 19 years(wife not included)
41: I've been asked out a few times on dates while married
42: didn't go, but ego felt good, real good
43: don't remember my dreams
44: don't own any animals
45: consider myself a cat person though, they don't bite
46: best fight I ever saw was between 2 girls
47: like action, sci-fi and bio films
48: like hard rock, blues, reggae and some classic rock.
49: don't mind some jazz as long there isn't a brass section
50: opera and classical, no thanks
51: a friend of ours is a opera singer I like to watch her sing
52: like roller coasters, wife doesn't, son working on him
53: don't play cards, wife hates them so I just stopped playing
54: horrible at trivia, choke under pressure
55: don't get this poker craze
56: love play-off sports, any
57: forgot, like comedies
58: pornoraphy bores me, but doesn't offend
59: like genealogy, but haven't research in over a year(time, time, time)
60: like to garden


swan_pr said...

thanks for stopping by and your comments :) funny, I'm a dispatcher, been in the industry for 10 years. Maybe you hauled some of my freight over the years! Please come back and visit, I know I will :)

Michelle said...

Your wife dosn't play cards? She doesn't know what she's missing!

LOL...word verifcation = "hissgaay"!!

Alysa said...

39: only ever dated one non brunette in my life

that's because brunettes do it better :)

and I don't get the poker craze either.

Cathy said...

I really like you list.
We have a number of things in common (I also don't get the poker craze, for example). I have to go to my brother-in-law's house to day and he and his son are totally into this. But they are the types who latch on to any recent craze adn obsess about it and talk non-stop to everyone else around them about it. So I guess I'll be spending the afternoon hearing about poker. Yippee.