Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hockey fight

As you may know, I play pickup hockey, early on Tuesday evenings. I've been doing this for 20 years or so now, so I think I've seen alot of different situations.
Tonight might be the the most weird of all.
After we finish there is a womens' league that plays after us. This just started this year so there is a few things that we as male hockey players have to get used to.
The main thing is to put a towel around yourself when walking to the shower. Tonight when I was doing this, this lady commented that I was lucky that I was wearing a towel. I told her that maybe she was lucky and then we laughed it off.
Anyway I'm finished showering and I'm upstairs in the bar having my beer.
This place you can watch the games and still be in the bar. I'm watching these ladies when a fight starts out on one of the benches.
This is odd, even in men's hockey.
Behind the bench it looks like they are beaking up 2 players. They were not! It was the lady who commented on my towel attacking her male coach.
They escorted him out and the palyers were high fiving each other and this particular lady was still playing.
They won!
I wonder what this coach did to start a revolt like this.

Anyways my game was as follows, the beer tasted great.


Christopher said...

Hi Riskybiz,

Whew-weee now that is passionate hockey!

Being a hockey player too. started well before I could tie my skates I just loved reading about it.

Btw we are both 41... you left a comment on my blog so here I am a peekin so to speak. sad thing is I get a e-mail when ever someone comments on my blog then I will go to see the post it fits too. I can not find yours. please clue me in ok.

I got to wonder about the towel too?

A Woman From Illinois said...

Sounds like an interesting game, including the beer!!