Saturday, July 23, 2005

Saturday afternoon

Another hot day, but not as smoggy and less humidity.
I was reading the paper this morning on the front porch and over heard that my neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Peckerhead are moving to a condo in downtown Toronto. I feel for their neighbours!
Anyways, they were moving today, her bro and friend with borrowed 5 ton truck and guess what Mr. Peckerhead was doing? Yea. cutting the friggin grass at 8:30am, while his help were moving chesterfields, dressers and light stuff like that. Anyone associated with him I feel for, honestly.

Sil gets married this evening and things are starting to get "hairy" around here. Well not for me, I just have to do some laundry and iron some stuff later, before her kids come over. I told the wife I wasn't watching the kids, there is plenty of other aunts, uncles and grandmothers around to do that. Plus once sil's kids get all dressed up, I don't responsibilty for them getting all dirty.

A quick explanation about marriage therapy.
My wife and I get along fine. We don't argue much and agree on child rearing, financial and other important stuff.
Our problems are in the bedroom, one way or another.
She has been unfaithfull in the past and has gone to a shrink to figure things out.
She has a disorder that has her on meds and under her shrinks care. Everything for her personally is going pretty well.
I feel that she doesn't take the same care when it comes to me and our marriage. This is how I feel and have for a number of years.
She asked me recently if I was happy, and I explained to her the same I did here,only more in detail.
Instead of it being all about her, like I feelit almost always does, I made it about me.
So going to a therapist is the next step for us. She needs it for us and for her. I don't expect much because my wife gets in the same routine it's hard to get her out. Why would she change now?
I hope I'm wrong!

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