Friday, July 22, 2005

Two nights in a row, could this be a trend of the future.
Friday evening, hot summer night and what are people talking about?
Figures, it is Canada.

My wife and I are going to marriage therapy starting in a few weeks. We're going to see her doctor, which I'm happy because it won't be all about her.
We tried this before and went to therapists who didn't know us and they have to ask questions. Then it turns to out to be an hour about her and nothing about me. I find it frustrating!
Funny, I find it's the same thing with golf lessons, 55 minutes for her and the remaining 5 for me.(I'm quite abit more advanced)
Anyways, the majority of our problems stem from her and not me.(we both agree on that point)
I'd like to get these things worked out, it's been along time.

My Father has his angiogram next week and my Mother isn't staying with us. They got a discount from the hospital and she is staying at a hotel in Downtown Toronto. She was alittle nervous driving to our place in the suburbs so I will go visit her from work Wednesday and keep her company for a couple hours. Oh, and I'll visit my dad as well!
I'll be glad when they do this procedure, just to find out what is wrong and then try to fix it.

SIL gets married tomorrow. Their honeymoon was cancelled because their hotel in Mexico was damaged. They are going to Cuba instead.
So this weekend is going to be all in-laws everywhere. Yea.......
It will tough trying to hide at all.


A Woman From Illinois said...

I hope the therapy works for you two!

Michelle said...

I admire both of you for going to therapy. If both of you are completely honest with the therapist then you should see some success :)