Monday, July 25, 2005

In-law weekend results

Quick post, Monday morning before work.
Was supposed to be ready by 8pm Saturday evening and I get home a 5pm with my wife freaking and bossy.
I basically told her to get out of the kitchen and leave me alone and I'll make a nice dinner, It'll take 15 or 20 minutes.
Viola, everything calm and a nice dinner for all.
Wedding was on the beach and was nice. All her siblings were there with spouses except for Montreal's pain in the butt, which was good.
Sil looked good and was organized for her but they forgot one thing, what to do with the kids after a certain time!
Not my problem, I have the eldest kid and he has never, ever been a burden at any age.
Wife asked me if we should transport the other kids 25 minutes east back home and then come back. I said watching her kids for the better part of a week was more than enough and the other kids were her siblings' problem. She agreed!
Anyway we were home by midnight and in the morning we heard about the problems everyone had putting their kids asleep and now were cranky.
Caring, not!
I thought it was a nice evening!
Sidebar; some guy had a heart attack on the beach and the new groom had to perform CPR about 15 minutes after the ceremony. Good for him and a cool story to tell for years to come. He had a shot of tequilla when he got back, to clean his mouth out. He doesn't really drink!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds as though you had a great time!