Saturday, July 16, 2005

I'll try again

I hit the wrong button and 20 minutes worth of blogging gone.
Oh well! I'll try again this morning.

Last evening my son and wife went to the Harry Potter events at the local Chapters and then got his book by 12:05am. He is reading it right now on the couch since 8am and it is now 10:30am.
He has to stop soon to get active for a few hours before it gets too hot.

Speaking of heat, it has been hot for about 5 weeks now. Records heat in the 30s(90 and up in the old system) and little rain.
Our town has a water restriction(voluntarily) but our neighbour, Mr. Peckerhead continues to water his lawn and our furniture on our front porch. If he does it today, I'm going to aim it directly at his front door.
They sold their house and I hope the closing date isn't too far in the future.
They "fudged" the statistics on their house to get more than it is worth. I know people embellish to get what they are looking for, but to lie about the size of the house.
Good-bye Mr. and Mrs. Peckerhead!

I'm going to watch The British Open, so I'll see you in a while!


A Woman From Illinois said...

The summer heat has hit rather early this year. We finally received about an inch and a half of rain 3 nights ago. But was not enough to put us out of a drought.

Michelle said...

We're in drought down under..hehehehe i just realised what i wrote!
It's still damn cold here, bring on the hot weather!