Tuesday, June 07, 2005


We had our third day in a row where the temparture hit 30 degrees(over 85 for you Americans) with no cool days in the forecast for the next 6 days.
We've already had more heat alert days than last year.
2 years ago we purchased a central air conditioner for quite abit of money. We have had it on for maybe a total of 10 days during that time. We put it on today and it's not going off for a while.

Funny how we as Canadians bitch all the time about our winters and then we complain about the heat when summer hasn't even started.
I find it too humid and the black flies are bad in the country.

Enough complaining, I played hockey this evening in his weather. I drank about 14 cups of water all day including hockey, so I feel hydrated.
Yes, I play hockey all year long and most rinks are running for 12 months.
The few that have no ice are open for lacrosse, which I like but wouldn't play, too violent for this old guy.

The last couple blogs I commented on beer and alcohol. I find in this weather I don't drink as much, it doesn't quench my thirst.
I drink alot of water all the time but this time of year I drink gallons of the stuff.
I don't drink juice and not much milk, so it leaves water.

My work offered tickets for the truck drivers to a Blue Jay game and I'm the only one who accepted. I think my boss was alittle pissed that I'm only going, he wanted the jokers to go as well.
This guy doesn't know what to think of me and now he's going to a baseball game with me.
I rather have him not knowing what to think of me, just that I do my job well.(which I do)
The guys he wants are the ones he golfs with and I would rather golf in the middle of the winter than with his buddies. They give me a headache after about 1 hour!
Still it should be interesting to drink beer on his tab. I'll probably suprise him with the amount of beer I can drink. At work I'm quiet and reserved and not many know of my personal life.
One thing that I can do and I'm not proud(nor ashamed)is I can drink vast amounts of beer. My hangovers are worse than in early years, but if I eat and occasionally have water during a night of beer drinking, I can put back about 20 or so.(I don't do this on any sort of regular basis, the last time when I turned 40)
I won't put back anywhere near 20 at this game, but enough to take the train home.


riskybiz said...

I certainly do not need 20 beers to say what I think of him, I'll do that sober if I want.

Michelle said...

Send some of your heat down under Risky...Winter is here!